Have you noticed more electric bikes zipping around your neighborhood in the past few months? You’re not alone! Our favorite transportation option took off full-throttle this year, resulting in record-busting sales, fewer car trips, and a whole lot of happy cyclists.
Amongst a very tough year for many, we remain optimists and are declaring 2020 the year of the ebike.
Here’s a little peek into what it looked like from the inside
It was pretty obvious early on in the year that ebikes were having their moment. Most customers use their bikes for fun and recreation, but ebike purchases are also driven by practical needs - like exercising, running errands, or cutting down the use of a car. Some of our riders, however, found unique ways to use theirs, whether it was shuttling around their furry friends, hitting the road for a socially distanced camping trip, or using them to deliver meals to those in need.
And how’s the U.S. reacting to this growing movement? Well, we’re starting to see ebikes play a bigger role in the public conversation.

So what can we expect in 2021? That's up to riders like you. One thing we do know is that we're moving closer to the vision that has guided Rad Power Bikes since day one: a world where transportation is energy-efficient, enjoyable, and accessible to all.
Thanks for doing your part and riding with the Rad Family.
Looking to ride in 2021? Click below to find which bike is right for you!
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