So far this spring, we’ve reconnected with friends and loved ones outside, rediscovered places we love, and thrived off the optimism in the air. The one thing we've missed? The big spring getaway.
Fortunately, you don’t need to crowd the family into the car or navigate a busy airport to find that escape. Your getaway can be as easy as two wheels and a few miles of bike path. This May, Rad Power Bikes will show our riders that there’s a big, bike-friendly world out there just waiting to be discovered.
And since it’s National Bike Month, we’re also celebrating you, ebike riders— the forward-thinking, free-spirited individuals who've made the powerful choice to be on the forefront of something great.
Every May, communities come together to celebrate National Bike Month. It’s a special time, one where we focus on steps we can take to make life on two-wheels a little better for everyone, whether that’s through big changes in infrastructure or simply encouraging our less bike-savvy friends to go for a spin.
This year, Bike Month is shaping up to be especially Rad. We’ve seen a nationwide bike boom, and with it, we’re welcoming more riders into our community than ever before.
So to help mark this moment, we’re launching a new challenge!

We want to see our riders replace 100 car miles with 100 miles on a bike. Meeting that goal doesn’t just give you an excuse to spend more time on the trail -- it also adds up to a big win for the environment. Try out our handy emissions calculator to see how you’ll be cutting down on your carbon footprint each week.
Where will you use those miles? Well, that’s really up to you. Whether it’s using a RadWagon for those weekly grocery trips or taking a RadMission to work, we want you to choose your own path — and then share that route with the Rad Community.
To get in on the fun, download the all-new Ride Spot app and join the challenge. After you register, just select Record Ride on the app's home screen before each ride to automatically have your miles added. We’ll even reward 50 participants who complete the 100 miles challenge, chosen at random, with a Rad Power Bikes hat!
Ready to rack up some miles? Sign up now to start riding.