Have the people closest to you noticed how much happier you seem when you roll back into the driveway after a long ride? Maybe they’ve started dropping hints about how they’d really like to join you one of these days.
If you’re ready to recruit a new riding partner, you may be wondering where to begin — especially if they’re new to the whole ebike scene.
The truth is, it's a lot easier than you might think. Here are a few quick tips to get you started.
1. Start Out Slow

Every now and then, someone will stop by one of our showrooms to check out a bike, but get a little nervous when it’s time for their test ride. Whenever that happens, we’ll gently remind them of one very important thing: It’s just like riding a bike.
That usually helps, but it’s also worth remembering that those words aren’t reassuring to everyone. After all, if it’s just like riding a bike and the last time you rode one was back when you still had braces, it’s going to sound a little daunting.
That’s why we recommend taking it slow to begin with. The things you may be used to as a hardcore rider may be new and surprising to your partner.
Take some time to show them the ropes either in a park or around your neighborhood cul-de-sac — somewhere they won’t have to worry about traffic and can instead focus on how exactly the throttle works or what each level of pedal assist feels like.
2. Make Sure They Have the Tight Bike for Them
Let’s say you’re a big RadRover fan. Or maybe you’re crazy about your RadRunner or just can’t get enough of the RadMini.
Either way, after miles and miles of solo rides, you’re absolutely confident that you’ve picked the right bike. You might even be convinced that your new riding partner will feel the exact same way.
While there’s a chance your partner will fall in love with your preferred model, bear in mind that they may need one that’s more in-tune with their needs.
For example, if they’re having a hard time swinging their leg over the saddle, even when you’ve adjusted the seat, you may want to look into a Step-Thru model. Alternatively, they may be too short or too tall for the bike you have in mind. There might also be a bike that they’ll ultimately just have more fun on, which is just as important. If they enjoy the ride, they’re going to want to come along more often.
We have loads of resources to help find the best bike for them, including our ebike picker, reviews from fellow customers, and hands-on test rides.
3. Stay Positive!

Like many things in life, having the right attitude is key.
Don’t be frustrated if they’re not ready to take on a 30-mile ride right away. If they're a little iffy on traversing the city to check out your favorite riding spot, don't worry! There'll be a time for that.
Just remember: by giving them the proper support for their first ride, you’ll be guaranteeing a second (and third, and fourth, and fifth …)
And trust us, you’ll be glad you did.
Interested in becoming a Power Pair? We have a new bundle designed to start your rides off right.
Double Down!