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Mission: To offer an unrivaled customer experience with radical electric bikes that are built for everything and priced for everyone.
Vision: A world where transportation is energy-efficient, enjoyable, and accessible to all.
RPB Code Of Conduct
Globally, we are guided by this Code of Conduct and we expect our manufacturers and suppliers to adhere to these principles. Implicit in these simple statements is the determination that we could build our business with our partners based on trust, teamwork, honesty, and mutual respect. Our Code of Conduct sets the foundation standards we expect all suppliers to meet.
We are driven to do both what is required by law, and what is expected of an industry leader. We require all our business partners to make the same commitment. Our partners share our commitment to continuous improvement in Business practices that:
- Demonstrate a respect for the rights of all participants
- Minimize our impact on the environment
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace
- Promote the health and well-being of all employees
While these principles establish the spirit of our partnerships, we also hold our partners accountable to specific standards of conduct. The core standards are set forth in our Code of Conduct.
Contractors must post this Code of Conduct in all major workspaces, translated into the language of the employee, and must educate employees on their rights and obligations as defined by this Code and applicable local laws.
Labor Rights & Employment Standards
Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining
Suppliers shall recognize and respect the right of employees to join and organize associations of their own choosing and to bargain collectively. The supplier allows the development and implementation of systems for resolving industrial disputes within the provisions of local law.
Forced Labor
The supplier does not use forced labor in any form - prison, indentured, bonded or otherwise.
Child Labor
All suppliers agree not to employ any person below the age of 16, and youth contractors are not contracted to implement any form of home work in support of Rad Power Bikes production. Employees under 18 are not employed in hazardous environments.
Wages, Benefits & Compensation
Each supplier provides every employee with at least the minimum wage required by country law, or the prevailing industry minimum wage, whichever is higher, and provides all legally mandated benefits.
Employees have the right to receive compensation for a regular work week that is sufficient to meet employees basic needs and provide some discretionary income. Suppliers shall take periodic actions and communications to progressively raise employee compensation.
The employees are not subject to discrimination in recruitment and employment practices, including hiring, salary, benefits, advancement, termination or retirement all of which must be based solely on the employee s ability to do their assigned job. There shall be no discrimination based on perceived or real differences, within theguidelines outlined by local law.
Hours of Work/Overtime
The supplier complies with legally mandated work hours by country law; uses overtime only when each employee is fully compensated according to local law; informs each employee at the time of hiring if mandatory overtime is a condition of employment.
Communication and Interaction
The employees must be treated with respect, dignity in accordance with local laws and reasonable efforts must be made in regards to the prevention of physical, sexual and psychological abuse or inappropriate communication and interactions.
The supplier needs to manage its water risk, minimize freshwater usage and discharges wastewater in compliance with local law and brands standards. Suppliers shall implement a system to minimize negative impacts on the environment.
Air Emission
The supplier shall conduct regular monitoring and testing to meet local regulations. Emissions must be controlled and treated according to the applicable local law prior to discharge.
The Supplier needs to segregate, manage, transport, and dispose of all solid and hazardous waste in compliance with local law and brands standards. The solid and hazardous waste handling vendors must be qualified and licensed.
Energy and Carbon
The supplier shall make progressive improvement in energy and carbon performance in their own operations to increase energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Energy and electricity purchasing records should be maintained for audit and inspection.
Health and Safety
Fire & Emergency Action Plans
The supplier facilities must meet country & local laws for Fire and Emergency Regulations. Supplier shall provide alarm systems, fire extinguishers, safe exit routes and safe shelter locations for use during emergencies. Implementing fire and emergency action plans to protect employees while they are operating in the workplace.
Occupational Health and Hygiene
A safe and hygienic working environment, dormitory and canteen shall be provided and occupational health and safety practices which prevent accidents and injury shall be promoted to reduce work-related injury and illness. The supplier shall provide enough toilets, bathrooms, first aid kits and must recognize, evaluate, and control occupational health and hygiene hazards in the workplace.
The supplier provides a safe workplace, dormitory and canteen for employees with necessary steps to prevent accidents and injury from arising. All facilities must meet country and local laws that cover building construction, health, and safety.